Try this RYA link for a synopsis of Shorebased Courses Shorebased
All Courses below are provided by Northumbria Sailing, as recognised by the Royal Yachting Association, with a modern classroom providing comfortable surroundings. Also available are online Courses. RYA Student Packs will be provided, at the appropriate cost, as well as basic refreshments. Maximum Student: Instructor ratios are shown.
Restricted (VHF only) Radio Operator’s Certificate
You are required to have an Owner’s licence if you have a marine radio, either fixed or hand held. In addition onboard there needs to be someone with an Operator’s certificate enabling the holder to use the set unsupervised. This Operator’s certificate is also required for an EPIRB and SART. The RYA Course, delivered on behalf of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency, will help you gain this qualification.
During the Course you will be instructed in the basics of radio operation, frequencies, distress, Digital Selective Calling and other emergency equipment. A RYA online option is also available.
Ofcom; ‘Licensing ensures that radio equipment used onboard ships does not cause undue interference to other communications and is operated by competent persons’
Breach is a criminal offence, maximum fine £5,000 and/or 6 months plus equipment confiscation (even more on trial!).
Northumbria Sailing instructs on a one person per VHF set basis, giving you a proper chance to play and learn. This is a 7 hour Course, preceded by 3 hours at home preparation, followed by a short written and practical test. Maximum Student: Instructor ratio; 8:1. RYA VHF Radio
‘Many thanks Melvyn, great to meet you yesterday and a really good course’ – Sarah
This Course take place over two evenings or a full day. Cost £135 per person, to include the 98 page RYA manual, but excluding the £76 payable to the RYA who issue the licence. Full Day and Evening dates by arrangement, if the diary permits (could be at your home or Club). One to One also available at £210. Certificate Fastrack available. Next session; April 14th.
Online VHF Course with radio simulator This Course can also be done at home. Upon completion of the online course you will obtain a certificate but will still need to pass the Practical and Theory test if you require the SRC. You may already have your lifetime certificate but would like to revise and update your knowledge for your own safety. Now you can do this without having to go through a real time test. Cost £95 to include RYA Manual.
The RYA require you to book your practical examination at the time of enrolling on a Course. Beware of anyone offering this Course without this. RYA Practical VHF
Kayakers need their VHF Too
6 kayakers descended upon the Heaton Centre for their VHF Course. Seen here are Liam, Rob, Lee, Lorna, Stuart & Chris who all passed. Brave guys and they are on the water every week, going to the Shetlands for their holidays (train and ferry) too. A great and entertaining session with lots of warnings that Pure Gallus was bigger than they are. Here’s what they say; ‘Blyth Kayak Club is a friendly club, always on the look out for new members from people looking to paddle for the first time, right through the experienced coaches. We are an active club, with pool sessions during the winter and outdoor sessions running regularly throughout the year. If you would like more information, please visit our website and contact us via the contact us link’.
Liam; ‘The group have enjoyed an excellent day of learning and development. The course was expertly delivered by you and we take value from the experiences you shared. How to sail and to eventually progress to RYA Day Skipper’
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea requires that proper use be made of radar, if onboard. Thus if a skipper breaks the Rules he could be prosecuted under The Merchant Shipping (Distress Signals and Prevention of Collisions) Regulations 1996. The Marine Accident Investigation Branch criticised both skippers’ use of radar following a collision; Collision between Gas Monarch and Whispa
The message is clear – if you have radar you must be able to use it properly. Candidates for RYA Yachtmaster examinations are expected to be conversant with radar.
This is a single day Course, 0930 to 1700, aimed at increasing your knowledge of radar as an aid to navigation but with particular emphasis on collision avoidance. Candidates will have an opportunity to use a simulator. The relative merits of Radar and AIS will also be discussed. Maximum Student: Instructor ratio; 8:1. RYA Radar Day Course
Cost £130 which includes the RYA booklet, but excludes the RYA Pack, currently £11. Next session; April 24th. ‘Thank you very much for yesterday’s course’ – Stephen
Are you able to attend to a medical emergency whilst at sea? Even GP’s attend this Course to be trained in such situations and defibrillator use may be covered too. The RYA certificate lasts three years and is required for Yachtmasters and Instructors, but is available to all others. You will be actively involved in this Course, which is practically orientated. First Aid Certificates Cost £110 plus £8.50 for the Pack. Next session; March 25th. RYA First Aid Day Course
Personal Survival. This Course is a must for all fit and healthy seafarers over the age of 16. The RYA Basic Sea Survival Course is unavailable in the North East, but this is the STCW equivalent and an accepted substitute by the RYA. The Course is delivered by the former South Shields Maritime College in their Pool on the banks of the River Tyne to educate in the ability to survive at sea after vessel abandonment. Cost £250. Next Session; February or March. Wet in the Pool
Oh What a Lovely Drenching
March 2024 saw the first Northumbria Sailing arranged Personal Survival Course held on the Tyne at Tyne Coast College. Here we can see Leigh, David, Thornley & Emma with James not shown. David gives his report in the Specialist Course section and Emma writes here; ‘On a bright sunny March morning I battled through the Newcastle and Tyneside traffic to attend the personal survival techniques course at Tyne Coast College. Melvyn had kindly put forward the one day course as a pertinent and practical means of gaining knowledge and raising awareness of safety whilst out and about on the water. The morning consisted of classroom presentations with subjects ranging from maritime disasters to practical considerations should you indeed need to abandon ship and use a life raft. The topics covered were interesting and sufficiently varied to hold one’s attention and the course instructor, Dan, had a pleasant and relaxed manner that encouraged participation where necessary.
After lunch (would highly recommend not eating too much!) the afternoon session was all pool based. Dry suits and buoyancy aids were donned and instructors walked us through various techniques for entering the water, positions to take whilst in the water both as an individual and as a group and techniques for moving through the water. We worked with life rafts, learning techniques to right and enter a life raft, and experience of manoeuvring the raft. The real fun began when as 2 teams we went through the drill of abandoning ship under storm conditions. Yes the pool was able to emulate rain, wind and serious swells. We followed the drills we’d practised and after what felt like an age, but was actually just long enough for each team to demonstrate they’d understood and could apply the skills we’d learned, the swells and the rain finally subsided. Exhausted yet exhilarated the day came to a close.
The instructors and fellow students made the day enjoyable and enlightening. I have a newfound awareness of safety elements I should be thinking about for our yacht and drills we should practice as a family in the safety of a pool environment. Would I recommend the course? Absolutely! Thank you Melvyn for suggesting the course and long may the college continue to run such an informative and practical course.’
RYA Diesel Engine Day Course. An introductory one day course to for those unfamiliar with diesel engines. RYA Examiners have requested greater knowledge from candidates. You will be shown the theory in the morning session and, in the afternoon, have an opportunity to carry out simple maintenance tasks on a Volvo Penta 2003 engine, formerly installed on a yacht. Alternatively this can be done on your own engine on a One2One basis. (cost £350 to include reasonable travelling expenses)). Those requiring an advanced course are invited to seek out the MCA 5 Day Course. Cost £130 plus £11 for the RYA Pack. Maximum Student: Engine ratio; 6:1. Next session; March 27th. ‘I just wanted to say thank you, to you and Steve, for the Course yesterday. I enjoyed it and learnt much. I will now be buying a small pot of yellow paint. That was the top tip’ – Paul . RYA Diesel Engine Course